Dangers of Texting While Driving

Distracted Driving is any Phone Related Activity


Elijah Christian, Writer

Texting is very dangerous to do while driving, especially if you have passengers.
There are many car accidents caused by texting and driving; around 1 out of 4 car accidents are
caused due to texting and driving. Not only is texting and driving dangerous but being on a
phone call or any phone related activity, like surfing through your phone while driving is dangerous as well.
Texting and driving causes people to take their eyes off the road and end up distracted. It
can cause them to end up in a ditch or go into the other lane and have a head on collision.
There are many possibilities that can happen when a person’s eyes are not on the road. They
could speed up and hit someone or do something that can cause a car accident.
Just to be on your phone while driving increases your chances of being in a car accident. It is
estimated that 23% of car accidents are caused by a phone being involved. The exact causes vary, like texting, phone
calls, looking at a GPS, or something else phone related. There are several ways to be distracted when you’re
using a phone while driving. It is about six times more dangerous than drunk driving.
If someone were to avoid using a phone it would decrease the chances of being in an accident.
Instead of you using a phone while you are driving, make sure you take care of whatever you
need to before you drive so that you are not distracted while driving. Or put your phone on
silent if you have trouble staying off your phone while driving.