New Discovery said to potentially be able to put Oxygen on Mars.

Kaylee Rohrbaugh, Staff Writer

An underground brine on Mars has been discovered to potentially be a good source of oxygen due to Mars’ salty water. Most of the water on Mars is all ice due to its really cold climate. So,let’s talk about it.

A discovery has been made recently on Mars. It was found that there has been unfrozen water in an underground brine. Since the water has been found, it was an exciting thought to think of water on the planet that wasn’t frozen like the rest. The discovery was also “Fortuitous” says Ramani,a Professor at the Washington University’s department of energy studying the topic. Fortuitous, due to the fact that the temperature in the brine lowered the freezing point of the water.

Long story short, they came to the conclusion that they could make oxygen from the salty water one day,with the power of technology. Using a machine that splits oxygen from water. Using the water to make the oxygen,they’d become one step closer to making Mars a livable and more explorable place.

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