What the “Save Local Police” Signs Mean


Aidan Litteral, Entertainment Editor

At this point you have seen the signs saying “ Save Police/Save Local Police”, but do you know what they mean? This is one of the big things going on locally that you need to know.

  Last year our township voted to cut the Southwest Regional Police department from the budget. This would mean that we would have a different police force. Either Northwest Regional or State police. This would mean it would take longer for a cop to be on the scene.

  Residents of Spring Grove are working on solutions, but the township says they will only reconsider if the budget is $300,000 less than last year. We have until the end of the year before the final decision is in.

   According to the North Codorus Township website, “Based on the formula for funding that is currently in place, NCT would pay over $1,043,000 in 2019. That amounts to 48.43% of the proposed $2,153,177 total Regional Police budget. North Codorus Township property tax millage is 2.45 mills, equivalent to $245.00 for every hundred thousand of assessment, with Police services claiming 83.58% of the property tax.” And since the introduction of the southwest regional police in 2002, NCT has spent 13,217,841 dollars.

  If you feel strongly about this, you can do something. The next meeting is taking place March 19 at the Township Municipal Building. At this monthly meeting you can express your opinions to the Board of Supervisors.