Life Logic

Yazmeen Proctor and Amy Alvarez

Life sucks sometimes, but there are things you can do to make it worthwhile. Here’s a list of things to do to make yourself feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally:


  1. Watch “How The Grinch Stole Christmas.” It’ll make your heart grow three sizes bigger.
  2. Write of letter of apology or forgiveness to someone you feel needs it. It’ll be more heartfelt if it’s mailed.
  3. Take some time alone to reflect, maybe before bed. This might make things clearer for you.
  4. Don’t run away from your responsibilities. You’ll find out that they’ll only catch up to you.
  5. Tell someone how much you appreciate them. They’ll be very happy to hear it.
  6. Do something nice for a stranger, they might do something nice for someone else.
  7. Donate, donate, donate. (Clothes, books, shoes, food, anything really).
  8. Drink lots of water, it can clear your skin.
  9. Do five pushups every morning. It lowers your risk of heart disease.
  10. Wear something that makes YOU feel good. Don’t feel like you have to please anyone else.
  11. Read a book. We suggest fiction to give you an escape.
  12. Do all your homework for once. You’ll feel accomplished.
  13. Color in a page of an adult coloring book. People tend to find this as a stress reliever
  14. Opt for veggies and fruit instead of chips and cookies. Your whole body will thank you.
  15. Clean your room. You’ll probably enjoy being in an organized space.
  16. Try a new hairstyle or color. A small or big change is always nice.
  17. Recycle. The whole world will benefit.
  18. Make your bed every morning. It’ll be the first small task you complete for the day.
  19. Get enough sleep (8-10 hours). It’ll improve your daily performance.
  20. Smile. It’s contagious.


  Even if you do two or three of these things a day, you’ll be sure to see some improvements in your day to day life.