Q: What is the craziest thing a student has ever said to you?
A: How tall are you
Q: What is your favorite class to teach?
A: Algebra 1B
Q: How long have you been teaching?
A: 1 year
Q: Have you ever had a favorite student?
A: A lot
Q: Who’s a student you’ll never forget and why?
A: Madelyn Hudak, she comes visit me everyday
Q: What made you into being a teacher?
A: Parents are both teachers, math is her favorite subject
Q: What is the craziest excuse a student has ever given you?
A: My dog ate my homework
Q: If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself as a first year teacher?
A: Don’t stress, ask other teachers for advice
Q: Have you ever had a student change your perspective of teaching?
A: No
Q: What’s the most unforgettable moment you had in the classroom?
A: Teaching with Mrs. Koblitz