I interviewed Sarah Laughlin on Feb. 17, 2025. I asked her 10 random questions based on life, accomplishments, her career and her goals.
I asked her life lessons and she seems to be a very humble person who wants everyone to be successful and kind. For example, one thing she would change about the world is for people to have more empathy for each other. Her other thing is that her motto in life is to be kind and help people because you never know what they’re going through. Some more in-depth questions that I asked were things like her great accomplishment, which was being able to be a mom because ever since she was a little kid she wanted to be a mom and have a family.
I asked her questions about her childhood and she said one of her favorite memories was going to her Bubba’s house, which is what she calls her grandma; she said she liked going there and picking the rocks out of her garden and having her Bubba yell at her from the stairs with no teeth in. She really liked having one on one time with her grandparents and cousins. I asked her who her bigger role model was in life and she said Robert Downey Jr. because he was an addict and he overcame it so that way he could be a family man and have a very successful career. He is also her favorite actor.
I asked her what her biggest fear and biggest life lesson was, and her biggest fear was dying alone or being alone because she is such an outgoing person, and she loves to be around people. Her biggest life lesson was that people care more about themselves and to not worry about what other people think because most likely they aren’t looking at you, they’re worrying more about themselves.
The last three things I asked her about her career choice, the best thing in her life, and her bucket list. The first thing I asked was her career choice and she said her degree is for social working. She said she chose this because she like to help people and after college she had a wider variety of job offers since there’s such a wide range of social working opportunities. She said the best thing in our life was being successful and being able to provide for herself and for her family. She always wanted a big family and always wanted to just be happy at the end of the day. The last thing I asked her was where she wanted to go that was on her bucket list and even though she didn’t have a specific place she just said she wanted to explore more of the country and maybe even go out of the country.