The person I interviewed was my grandma. She grew up in a poor household, where her family did not make a great living as she grew up. She learned how to be independent and do things on her own. She was very smart in school and very athletic, despite not being wealthy, the family always had each other. She would go to church on Sundays, play board games, and spend time with her family. As life went on, she became married and had two daughters while being a teacher for West York. Through her life and teaching experiences, she inspired her daughters to become teachers as well.
My grandma loved fishing, as it was something she grew up doing. Her dad taught her everything she knows now, along with the help from her husband. The two now have a condo out by Chincoteague Island, and go fishing every summer down there. One of her greatest fishing stories was when a storm was closing in on them and they were still out on the bay. My grandpa quickly tried to get back on mainland, but they ended up bottoming out and needed to push the boat off the sand to get going again. My mom and aunt ended up having to get out to push the boat so they could get back onto the island. Another fishing story my grandma shared was the time they went into the Assateague Channel. During this time they were in a flounder tournament and it was in the last hours of it. They had never been in this channel of water and were there for about 15 minutes so far. Something took my grandma’s line and she was fighting it for about a half hour, after reeling it in she realized this was not the flounder she was looking for, it was a huge sand shark.