Rafael Arroyo was taking a stand when on Saturday morning in Las Vegas he heard the devastating news about one of his businesses getting burned down. This isn’t the first incident and Arroyo claims it won’t be the last if the city doesn’t take action and change policies.
Arroyo runs a small business with the state DMV for emissions testing and vehicle registration. He arose on a beautiful Saturday morning to hear the news that one of his buildings had partially burned down after another break in. Arroyo stated that these break ins are so frequent that he doesn’t bother to file a police report
“There’s no point in filing a police report because they’re not gonna get caught”. He also stated “The cops have been called hundreds of times, hundreds of times, to get those people out of there,”. Individuals had begun lighting fires at night, but would only get “a slap on the wrist” if they were ever caught.
The piece of property that Arroyo owned was apparently not on the “best side” of town. He also stated that there is an abundance of mentally ill, homeless and drug-addicted people who roam the surrounding streets
Arroyo is inclined to think that when the shuttle bus he used as a mobile office was broken into once again on Friday night by people who use it to get high, and this time they decided to light a fire on the inside. It seemed to have gotten out of control before completely burning and causing damage to the surrounding areas.
Arroyo then explained that he didn’t have access to the video footage because police were reviewing it as part of their investigation, something he was told “could take up to a couple of months.”
Arroyo pointed to major cities in states like California, and all across the West Coast, where he said the punishment of letting things go like that were evident because businesses are deciding to shut down. They shut down because they couldn’t operate in a safe environment and protect their employees.
“So, for my opponent to bring these same exact policies here, it doesn’t make any sense. We already have the proof that they don’t work,” Arroyo said, referring to Nevada Assembly Majority Leader Sandra Jauregui, a Democrat, and noting legislation the body passed to reduce penalties for controlled substances.
Arroyo stated, “At the end of the day, if you’re just giving people a slap on the wrist, they’re going to continue to use drugs, and it’s going to affect them mentally, and then you get to a point where you’re at. You can see this in Portland, Seattle, Oakland, San Francisco, L.A. Like you see this stuff happening all up and down the West Coast, and they’re trying to bring it here.”