I had the opportunity to speak to my heroic and honorable father, also known to others as, Trevor Britton. I got to learn about his amazing personality and greatest achievements and failures.
To begin the questioning, I said: “Let’s start from the beginning: where were you born and what school did you attend?” Trevor responded excitingly: “I was born April 29, 1971 and I went to Sarah J. High School in New York.” Surprised with this sensational response, I questioned why the excitement, “I went to high school with Biggie Smalls also known as the Notorious B.I.G, Lil Kim and Big Daddy Kane.”
Biggie Smalls, also fairly known as Notorious B.I.G, is known for his top hip hop records— mostly gangsta rap — Lil Kim is also known for her hip hop music. One of her biggest hits is the Jump Off made in 2003. She is also known for dating Biggie Smalls when she was at the age of 17. Big Daddy Kane is another well known rapper usually in the hip hop category of music. “Warm it up Kane” made in 1989.
I then asked him “What is the most memorable thing that happened at school”? After a moment of thinking, Trevor responded, “I went on this three day field trip with me and my school it was exciting.” When asked, “What is your favorite hobby?” he said, “I like to go to the park and play basketball. I also love to bird watch.”
I asked Trevor, “What is you current occupation?” and he stated “I currently work at FedEx as a package handler”. I then asked him, “Has this always been your dream job?” he responded, saying, “No I actually wanted to become a construction worker which I was for a little bit. It was amazing because when I completed a building I felt very happy and accomplished and with FedEx I don’t really feel that feeling of accomplishment.”
When asked, “What is your favorite color?” Trevor said: “I love the color green, the color of money haha”.
Finally, I asked him, “what is your favorite show?” and after a prolonged pause Trevor said: “Don’t really have one actually you could say the Cosby Show. I have actually went to go see the show live with my cast. It was a pretty big milestone because we got to meet the actors.”
I would like to say thank you to Trevor Britton for allowing me to interview you amazing past and astounding personality.