Have you ever wondered about some of your teachers’ thoughts? I have, so I conducted an interview with one of my teachers. I interviewed Spring Grove Area High School teacher Mrs. Brown.
Mrs. Brown is a history teacher for high schoolers. She has taught at Spring Grove for 22 years and she has taught freshmen for the entirety of her teaching career. Mrs. Brown went to school to get an archeologist degree, but around 24 years old she made a career change. She went back to school to become a teacher. She got her undergraduate degree at University of Pittsburgh and her graduate degree at Penn State University.
Mrs. Brown says that her common issues with freshmen are the level of maturity, study habits, and poor decision making. Mrs. Brown recommends that students pay attention to their grades and assignments. She recommends that incoming freshmen never bring or do drugs at school. This year there was a new schedule in place for freshmen. Mrs. Brown says that the block schedule helps her go through her class materials and focus on the most important materials. Mrs. Brown says that she found it easier to receive work from freshmen when it was given on paper. Mrs. Brown says she enjoys the extra time the class allows, but she could see a problem with only having 2 marking periods. She says she prefers the block schedule compared to the single block schedule. Mrs. Brown says she prefers teaching freshmen because of their sincerity and that they are not as concerned about being cool. She says the hardest part is their immature behavior.