A five star review and a year long waitlist at a famous steakhouse in NYC turned out to be a fake, but on September 23, 2023, it became real for one night. A few years ago, Mehran and his fifteen college friends had steak nights every other night, and one of his friends created a fake restaurant on Google maps at their address, naming it “Mehran Steakhouse”. Their friends started to leave it a five star review, soon the website was made. On the website it states, “The steakhouse is fully booked for the next six months” but what people didn’t know was that they were putting their name on a nonexistent waitlist. On that day, Maharan told his friends to go outside of the restaurant and make posters of celebrities and pretend that they were in there so people would want to go in. They even got their friends to have a fake proposal. People got suspicious when they had one single item on the menu, and the drink was “milk from another country”, although it was regular milk from a grocery store. Even if it turned out to be a fake, people still had a great time!