The shark fin trade is the horrific job of cutting off sharks fins for soups, this is happening off the coast of the Galápagos Islands.
This is happening because people are capturing sharks, cutting their fins off, and then dumping their bodies back into the ocean for them to die a slow and very painful death. About 73 million sharks die a year for the shark fin trade.
“Shark finning is like cutting off all of your limbs and leaving you to bleed to death” says Rebecca Regpery, who is a deputy director of wildlife at humane society. The fins that the traders cut off mainly go to China and Hong Kong for something called “ Shark fin soup.” The soup is priced at about $100.
“In 1999, the United Nations developed an international plan of action for conservation and management of sharks, but no country is forced to participate, and progress has been slow. Beyond that, shark legislation varies greatly between states (Hong Kong) with them providing anything from zero to weak to full protection.
The US. Shark Conversation Act of 2010 requires that all sharks except Smooth Dogfish be brought ashore with their fins intact. Some societies are trying to bring the shark fin trade to the end but it has been a very long process.