Chickens face many problems that many people do not seem to notice.
Chickens that are used for meat are raised in a long shed or coop. While they grow in the coop, they usually do not have access to the outside world. Chickens first come in as chicks, then spend the rest of their short lives in the coop. Chicken coops need to be cleaned out about once a month top to bottom. If the caregiver fails to do this then the chickens will either develop a sickness mites.
That chicken chick says, the one way to keep these mites away is to make sure the flock has access to a dust bath. A dust bath is a way that chickens can cool off when hot and get cleaned. These dust baths also keep external parasites away naturally by suffocating them.
Big industries raising chickens for eggs usually keep the chickens in these tiny cages with no room to grow or move around. The industries that do this are the industries that people eat chicken from all the time. These places get a large amount of money to raise chickens the wrong way.
The best way to satisfy you and your flock is to make sure the chickens have all the materials they need. These materials include access to food,water,bugs, an egg box with clean straw,the outdoors,and dust baths. If you provide all of these materials to your chickens then both you and your chickens will be healthy. If you do not provide even just one of these materials then you and your flock are at risk of sickness/diseases. These diseases can be cross bred from chicken to human and it is not very fun dealing with them. If you do not give your flock access to food or water they will become weak and die off.
You might be thinking that this is not a big deal but it really is. The treatment of these chickens does not just affect them, but it affects you also. When you start thinking about raising some chickens you need to do your research so you and the chickens have a good experience. It’s kind of like a job, you need to know about the job before you try to get hired.