Our Newest Club- Interact Club
The six pillars of Interact Club
November 20, 2018
Interact Club, sponsored by the Rotary Club, is the newest club here at Spring Grove High School that values service above self.
This is a club that has six values, or “pillars.” These include: providing clean water, sanitation and hygiene, saving mothers and children, fighting disease, growing local economy, supporting education, and promoting peace.
For this school year, the goal of Interact Club is to complete one local project and one international project. These projects may include Soles for Souls, helping the YDR in York, volunteering at nursing homes, and working with an LGBTQ youth group to raise awareness and promote acceptance.
In order to join this club, Mrs. Rhodes, the advisor of this club, would like for you to have good character and the willingness to help others. This club has 2-3 online discussions on Google Classroom and one meeting in the library every month.
If you would like to join, you can scan the QR code outside of the library and sign up via a google survey. However, to be an active member, you will need to have to complete 30 hours of service hours.